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How to moisturize the skin of the face and body the right way in the cold?

How to moisturize the skin of the face and body the right way in the cold?

The cold winter temperatures are an invitation for tea, hot chocolate, or an afternoon under the hood. But there’s also a temptation to spend more time in a hot shower, skip the skincare steps, and then get back under the covers. In herein lies the problem.


The coolness and lower humidity of the air this season helps us to reduce sweating. This, combined with hot baths, is the ideal scenario for the skin to lose its natural lipids and thus become drier.

Still there are those who get the skin, in addition to being dry, white. According to the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, this is a sign of protein denaturation.


The solution to deal with these problems is to combine a balanced diet with water in the right way in all seasons, including winter. know how:


General skin care in the cold


First of all, it is worth saying what is better not to do, and the first point of interest, as already mentioned, is a shower. Temptation can be great, but for skin care, it’s best to avoid very hot and long baths and to avoid soaping yourself too often and using loofahs. All this contributes to the removal of sebum and natural oils of the skin.


If you have oily or acne-prone skin, avoid using the common moisturizer, the moisturizer you use on your body, on your face. These products can be too heavy for your facial skin and eventually exacerbate acne.


How to moisturize your skin in the cold


But don’t let laziness control you and forget to drink fluids. For the face, for example, bet on strong yet light products, like Protex® Daily Moisturizing Face Gel . With a non-greasy gel formula, it moisturizes and protects the skin without clogging pores, helping to prevent future blemishes. In addition, it can be used on all skin types.


And to boost hydration, use the warmth of the shower to your advantage. The advice is to apply moisturizer in the shower immediately after leaving the shower – remember that the bath should not be too long. Steam from the environment, explains the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, helps the cream penetrate the skin.


In addition to taking care of your face and body, remember to pay special attention to your lips and use specific moisturizers for that area. This will prevent drying and cracking.


To top it off, keep sunscreen in your daily care routine!


Moisturizing from the inside out


Wet skin also relates well to food. In the cold, it is common to forget to drink water, which is a big mistake. Maintaining hydration contributes to the proper functioning of the body and to obtaining smooth and healthy skin. So remember to drink at least two liters of water per day.


Also invest in a varied menu rich in fruits, vegetables, and vegetables, which are sources of vitamins and minerals that act as antioxidants, helping to prevent premature skin aging.

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