fitness girl




Fitness exercises

Physical fitness is the ability to withstand physical and mental effort without excessive fatigue and exposure to injuries, and is affected by diet and regular exercise. Physical fitness is essential to maintaining overall health and preventing chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It also increases energy and vitality, improves sleep and mood, and reduces stress and anxiety.

Fitness exercises for men What are fitness exercises Fitness exercises at home

Squat exercise

The squat is one of the strength exercises that target multiple muscle groups ; Such as: the muscle in the front of the thigh, the muscles in the bottom of the knee, and others, and it can be exercised by standing up straight, the distance between the feet a distance equal to shoulder width, then bending the knees and lowering the buttocks; As if the person is sitting on an imaginary back seat, and it is advised that the knees be directly above the ankles during the exercise, then stand up again and repeat.[1]

push up


The push-ups exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the shoulders, chest, torso, and triceps brachii muscle (in English: Triceps), and to perform this exercise, you can lie on the ground so that the front side of the body is facing down, then put the palms on the ground with Leave a distance between them a little wider than shoulder width, fix the toes of the feet or knees on the ground, and raise the body until it becomes like a straight line from the feet to the shoulders, taking into account the lowering of the body by bending the elbows and raising it, and maintaining the upright position of the body during lifting and lowering. [1]



Swimming contributes to enhancing a person’s ability to move more flexibly; Where it relieves joint pain; Which makes it a good exercise for people with arthritis, according to Dr. Ai Min, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. In addition, research has found that swimming enhances mental health, improves mood, and aerobic exercise in water helps burn calories.[2] ]



Walking is one of the physical fitness exercises that improve cholesterol levels, strengthen bones, maintain normal levels of blood pressure, and reduce the risk of several diseases. Such as: diabetes and heart disease. Studies have found that walking along with other physical activities improves memory and reduces the risk of losing it with age. To practice walking, you can choose a pair of appropriate shoes, and walk for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. With the passage of time, you can Walking longer distances and more quickly, until you reach 30 to 60 minutes most days of the week.[2]



Cycling is one of the aerobic exercises that work on the lower part of the body, in addition to the cardiovascular system, and when you want to ride a bicycle, it is recommended to choose the appropriate size so that both the handlebars and the bicycle seat can be adjusted to suit the person’s height.[3]

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