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Natural deodorant: Learn how to make a homemade product

Natural deodorant: Learn how to make a homemade product

In order to adopt a more sustainable and accessible care routine, many people have begun to replace industrial products with homemade options. In addition to soaps, creams and shampoos, many have also discovered the possibility of producing their own natural deodorant products at home.

The practice, which ensures a product free of parabens and other chemicals, has emerged as an alternative especially for those with sensitive skin. This is because the aluminum salts in traditional deodorants can cause allergic reactions or irritation in some people – and they should be avoided or stopped.


So, while some prefer to buy aluminum-free deodorant from the market, others can take the risk and prepare a natural product at home. The homemade recipe, in general, is very economical, because it uses only essential oil to give fragrance and milk of magnesia, as an alternative to other synthetic compounds.

Natural deodorant: pros and cons


The main advantage of natural deodorant is that it is free from chemical compounds that can potentially cause allergic reactions in some people. By taking only pure ingredients, the product does not cause any kind of reaction on the skin, and therefore there are no contraindications.

Compared to industrial deodorant without aluminum, the homemade version has the upside of being cheaper and more eco-friendly – because it’s made with biodegradable ingredients and doesn’t use disposable packaging.


Natural deodorant also works to prevent unpleasant odor from the armpits . However, the process is done in a manner and intensity that is different from industrial deodorants – especially those that contain aluminum.


“Antiperspirants’ active ingredients typically include aluminum-based compounds that temporarily clog sweat pores, reducing the amount of sweat that reaches the skin, and thus bad odor in the area,” says Rosana Vasconcelos, M.D., M.D., a professor of dermatology.

Plus, according to dermatologist Fabiana Seidl, manufactured deodorants (with or without aluminum) contain antiseptics, such as alcohol or triclosan, which prevent the spread of bacteria and reduce bad armpit odor.


On the other hand, natural deodorants do not clog the sweat glands, but also do not stop sweating . This is where milk of magnesia comes in, its main ingredient, which works by neutralizing the carboxylic acids that make up sweat, and are responsible for unpleasant underarm odors.

“If you use the product, keep this in mind: A natural deodorant will help get rid of underarm odor, but not with sweat. You may need to reapply deodorant after exercise or throughout the day,” explains dermatologist Rosana Vasconcelos.

The specialist also adds that in the early days of using a natural deodorant, a person is likely to feel a strange sensation in the armpit. “It may take a few days or weeks for your armpits to rebalance the germs and get used to the product,” he says.


How to make a natural deodorant


Dr. Carla Lessa teaches you how to make a natural, paraben-free deodorant:




    • 1 bottle of Milk of Magnesia


    • 1 bottle (glass or plastic) to apply the product


    • 4 drops of essential oil



How to prepare


Inside the bottle, mix four drops of essential oil with milk of magnesia. If you want to use another essential oil together, in order to enhance the effect of the product, add two drops of each oil (it’s OK to add a few more drops of essential oil).


Doctor-suggested quantity yields up to two rolled bottles. Another suggestion, to make the product more sustainable, is to reuse a container (glass or plastic) you already have at home. Just sterilize it properly and put the mixture inside. If you prefer, you can use a spray bottle to facilitate application.


The specialist also reveals that the estimated duration of the homemade product is two months. The shorter range, compared to manufactured deodorants, is due to the lack of preservatives in the formula and also to the volatility of the essential oil.


The right choice of essential oils


Especially for people who suffer from more severe perspiration , it is possible to use in product A an essential oil with antiseptic properties , to act directly on the microbes in the armpit area, where they produce sweat odors. Dr. Rosana Vasconcelos suggests options like coconut oil, tea tree oil, tea tree oil, and rosemary oil.


Learn more: Aromatherapy: what it is, why and how it’s done


To enhance the pleasant aroma of the homemade product, it is suggested to mix these oils with antiseptic properties with more aromatic options, such as lavender oil, peppermint oil, orange oil, and passion fruit oil. In these cases, put half the amount of each in the recipe.


While the chances of irritation are low, when using a natural deodorant, it is important to monitor your skin carefully for any reaction that may occur. “Watch your skin for a rash or other signs when you start using a new product,” Rosana Vasconcelos instructs.


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