Winter Skin Care: Treating 9 Problems

You only need to lower the temperature shown by skin problems. It is common in winter for the skin to be dry and dull, but there is something that needs to be done to solve these problems. Learn about the major skin problems this season and learn how to solve them.
1- dry skin
When temperatures drop, skin hydration appears to go down with it. Dermatologist Adilson Costa, from São Paulo, explains that with low temperatures, a decrease in the production of sebum from the skin occurs, which leads to a loss of water in the environment, and, accordingly, dehydration. Reducing perspiration also plays a role in dry skin, as it also plays a moisturizing role.
However, we can’t just blame the low temperatures, because what changes the most, at that time, is our behaviour. With the cold, the demand for hot and long baths increases. “This removes the natural protective layer of sebum from the skin and the water in there evaporates more, leaving it dry,” explains dermatologist Erasmo Tokarsky.
In addition to hot water, the use of soap contributes to drying due to its cleansing effect, which increases the loss of the lipid layer of the skin, which is called the lipid mantle.
To deal with this dehydration, you first have to pay attention to the shower and administer very hot water. Trying to lower the temperature and even shower time a bit can lessen the damage to the skin.
Fernanda points out that when washing, use a moisturizing soap. Tokarski also recommends using it only in the “folds” of the body, and avoiding large areas, such as the arms and legs, as they have fewer sebaceous glands.
It’s also important to abuse moisturizers: for Adilson Costa, the ideal is to apply them twice daily at that time. Do you get pixels after the shower and do not want to put the cream? How about trying shower gels? It’s still worn in the shower and leaves no room for excuses like “it was so cold when I got out of the shower”.
2- cracked and dry lips
If the skin becomes more sensitive in the winter, then the lips suffer much more, they become dry and cracked. Dermatologist Fernanda Casagrande explains that this happens because, in fact, it is semi-mucosal – thin skin that does not contain sebaceous glands. Without these glands, there is no natural moisture, which makes this part of the body more sensitive to weather factors, such as cold and wind.
During cooler days, Fernanda suggests investing in water. For nightly use, she recommends products based on dexpanthenol, a substance with high moisturizing power, or even apply it pure to your lips (it’s sold as an ointment in drugstores). For the day, lip balms take care of that mucous half.
You should also resist the temptation to wet your lips with saliva, as well as pull on the fur. “People are told not to run their tongues over their lips or even on the skin around the area, because saliva also helps dry and irritate the skin,” dermatologist Erasmo Tokarski recalls.
3- Skin without shine and luster
With the onset of winter, the skin loses its natural luster and glow. Dermatologist Adilson Costa explains that this happens because the so-called stratum corneum — of dead cells, the outermost layer of skin — loses water into the environment.
With drier skin, it ends up getting fine flakes, which leads to a loss of its natural luster. “Cold makes the sebaceous glands more atrophied. They become more shriveled and don’t produce the skin’s natural hydration, which are some of the fatty acids it naturally produces,” explains dermatologist Fernanda Casagrande.
To treat this problem, it is recommended to bet on superficial hydration of the area, as well as take plenty of fluids throughout the day. “First, you need to drink a lot of water to replace lost fluids, hydrating the body from the inside out. In addition, give preference to creams that contain substances such as glycerin, Vaseline, lanolin, etc., because they are more greasy. And it helps to strengthen the layer Skin Protectant,” strengthens dermatologist Erasmo Tokarsky.
Fernanda says she usually prescribes acids and emollients to improve the appearance of the skin. The stratum corneum itself usually regenerates in a 28-day cycle. What these acids do is promote micro-exfoliation, which reduces the time for layer renewal, and speeds up skin regeneration. Use at night and alternate with moisturizers.
4- The skin is affected by washing your face in the bathroom
It doesn’t matter if your skin is dry or oily, in winter, both problems tend to get worse and aren’t exactly the season’s fault. The habit of washing your face while showering with frequent hot water completely removes the oil from the skin.
Dermatologist Fernanda Casagrande explains that the skin reacts in two different ways, depending on the production of the sebaceous glands. In oily skin – which tends to exacerbate sebum production – the glands will understand that the skin is too dry, because the hot water will remove all the sebum from the skin. With this, the production of fat will increase, in the so-called reflux production. “The skin is strange, greasy, somewhat cracked, with dry and greasy patches,” the dermatologist describes. In dry skin, the glands will not be able to compensate for the lost fat, which makes the skin on the face dull and cracked.
Alleviating the problem is simple: just don’t wash your face in the shower. “It’s okay to wash your face in the sink with warm water, but never get hot from the shower,” Fernanda warns.
5- Peeling the skin in the cold
Skin peeling is also common on cold days, and this happens because, according to dermatologist Fernanda Casagrande, the cells of the stratum corneum of the skin separate more easily due to dryness. So that white “bran” that comes out of the skin is actually the loose cells.
Dermatologist Adilson Costa explains that the water that the skin loses to the environment keeps skin cells hydrated and thus sticking together. When there is peeling, it means that it is not wet enough.
In addition to betting on moisturizing the skin, dermatologist Erasmo Tokarsky advises: “Priority should be given to cotton clothing, because it leaves the skin less electric, that is, less irritating.”
6- Itching
Dry skin during this season brings another problem: itching. Besides, it also happens that “pins” are felt on the skin. “As the skin becomes drier, a mild case of microscopic inflammation occurs in the skin, which makes the skin irritate and increases itching,” explains dermatologist Adilson Costa.
We have a kind of vicious circle. If we do not moisturize the skin, it causes itching. If we scratch it, it dries more and so on. To stop this annoying cycle, the solution is hydration.
7- Allergies
The lipid barrier of the skin is responsible for protecting it from a series of external factors. With dry skin, we are without this natural protection. So in the winter there are cases of local allergies with itching, redness and burning only in some areas of the body. “Sometimes, it happens that a watch that we wear all summer without any problem causes sensitivity in the winter,” says dermatologist Fernanda Casagrande.
“Another reason is poor ventilation, as the windows are closed to heat the house, ideal places are created for fungi and bacteria that attack different areas of the body, such as the respiratory tract, eyes and skin,” adds dermatologist Erasmo Tokarsky, who also stands out, among allergies, Atopic dermatitis, which appears as white spots on the skin.
It is advisable to moisturize the skin, the more moisturized it is, the stronger the protective barrier will be. But Fernanda remembers that when the allergic picture is severe, it is customary to prescribe oral antihistamines. When the skin is rubbed, histamine is released, which leads to an even greater increase in allergic itching. So the role of this medication is to stop the itching.
8- Ringworm on the feet
It is always common to wear socks on your feet in the cold. This hot and humid environment contributes to the development of onychomycosis on the nails and between the toes, as well as the folds – the famous athlete’s foot. Plus, dermatologist Fernanda Casagrande recalls that it’s common for people to barely dry their feet and put them in socks to keep warm. He advises that “the skin of the feet is stained, which may cause cracks. It must dry well between the toes.”
Moreover, dermatologist Erasmo Tokarsky adds, “We should give preference to cotton socks, rather than those made of synthetic materials, always changing them and airing the shoes well after use.”
9- Acne
For some people, pimple and blackhead problems increase in the coldest period of the year. The reason – who knew! It is the excess oil coming from the hair. Dermatologist Fernanda Casagrande explains that in the winter, people tend to wash their hair less often.
In this way, the oil from the skin ends up flowing onto the face, which increases the frequency of acne breakouts. So note that most of this problem appears on the forehead and sides of the face.
“You can’t go more than a day without washing your hair, you should do it at least every other day,” Fernanda warns. It is also worth looking for a dermatologist, who will advise you on the appropriate treatment for acne.