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Porous hair: know what it means and how to define it

Porous hair: know what it means and how to define it

Hair is one of the elements that greatly affects people’s self-esteem. Therefore, it is common to have an interest in keeping them healthy and looking good and in a style that suits each individual’s personality.

However, whether due to external factors or chemical procedures, wires can become brittle and weird to the touch. Most of the time, this is associated with the capillary follicle call.


Hair has a normal pH between 4.5 and 5.5. When this number changes, the fibers become more brittle or stiff, which directly affects the appearance of the hair.


“Porosity is characterized by a loss of epidermal cells. These are the cells that surround the hair fiber, and in a way it generates a ‘pseudo-shield’ for these fibers. So, when you lose that protection, it starts to expose the structure within these hair fibers,” explains Ademir C. Leite Jr, MD. A hair expert.

The specialist says that with this exposure, the hair undergoes further oxidative processes that are caused by the habit of washing, in the sun, wind and heat. The fibers impair their internal integrity, which generates more dryness, porosity and the risk of breakage.


hair type vs. porosity


Many people claim that curly and frizzy hair is naturally more porous. However, according to Ademir, this belief depends only on the texture of these types of filaments, causing some to associate sensuality with porosity.

“From the moment the strand is born, it is not porous, but tight . Curly and curly hairs have an architectural configuration that, when cut transversely, has a higher diameter and a narrower part than other hairs. They also have two areas that form a curvature that loosens the skin more easily. When washed, detangled and combed.”


It is this gradual loss of skin that can generate porosity. Therefore, hair with a greater curvature, where it needs more elements to facilitate detangling, such as a brush and comb, may suffer from a decrease in the number of cells and become porous due to external damage.


The trichologist also says that, in the case of cylindrical hair , the smoothness common in people of Asian and Arab descent, when a transverse cut is made in this strand, the exposed shape is circular


“So, we have different hair shapes that pose greater or lesser risks of porosity. No hair is born porous, just because it develops porosity more easily.”


How do you know the porosity of the thread?


It is common to find hair porosity tests on the Internet using a glass of water. In it he states that by putting some clean hair in the cup and waiting ten minutes, the position of the thread will determine its porosity – high when floating, low when sinking, and normal when in the middle.


However, according to Adriano Almeida, hair expert and president of the Brazilian Hair Association, this method is not specific for determining the permeability of a strand of hair, it is just another belief.


The assessment of hair strands can be carried out, first, in a sensory manner. This means that each person will notice, through daily habits, whether the hair has a completely different texture between the roots and ends, if there is flaking in the wires, split ends and breakage. If necessary, with the help of a specialist, it is possible to select more complex clinical methods.


Does apple cider vinegar reduce porosity?


Apple cider vinegar is used as a home remedy for the rebuilding process, and it is one of the most suitable ingredients for treating porous hair at home. However, despite its ability to produce the effect of smoothness and shine, trichologist Ademir Jr. warns of the dangers of altering the natural porosity of the hair.


“There is a concept that acidification of the hair closes the cuticle, while alkaline pH products leave the epidermal cells further apart. This does not remove the porosity, it will continue to exist. Porosity has to do with the loss of epidermal cells, which reveals a nobler area of ​​the inner part of the fibers , which is the crust.

Therefore, porosity is not treated with apple cider vinegar or any acidic product. You simply create the porosity, which creates a less harsh effect,” he says.


Thus, alkaline or acidic products should be used in moderation, as successive use can prevent the hair from staying at its natural pH, increasing the risk of breakage and causing further damage to the hair structure.

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