Holiday cosmetology – what do you take on vacation?

Holiday cosmetology – what do you take on vacation?
Travel esthetician, this is the hard art of packaging with no secrets
What to take on vacation – this is a question we ask ourselves more and more as we approach the date of travel. Unfortunately, the answer to them is simple, because despite this the list of things for the trip it is quite long, and the space for the bag is usually very limited. In order to save yourself from the hassle of packing and the difficulty of closing the suitcase, at first it is worth focusing on the absolutely necessary things, that is, those without which we will not be able to survive the trip. Only later, if we have enough space, can we pack what we’d like to take with us, but not necessarily.
When packing clothes, shoes and other small things, we must not forget to reserve a place for our toiletry bag. If we focus on the natural appearance, then we can abandon cosmetics intended for make-up, or limit ourselves to taking BB cream (for example, less than twenty), which will help us to even out the tone of the skin of the face, thereby reducing valuable space in the bag. However, we cannot resign ourselves to banning products such as facial cleansing cream or gel. Proper facial skin care is very important every day and in no way should be underestimated for the condition and appearance of our skin. If we had a little free space, we could take on smaller, travel-oriented spaces instead of packing full-size grooming products. All you have to do is pour your favorite cosmetics into small bottles and they are ready! We can confidently go our own way.
Anti-Bacterial Face Cream – You’ll be ready for anything with it!
Skilled packing for the holidays requires a strategic approach, so instead of many different products designed to minimize blemishes, take a potent yet effective product with you. How will you get to know him? Of course, under the type of ingredients it contains. The more of them of natural origin, the greater the chance that the lotion will perfectly cope with any unwanted pimple.
This principle has been confirmed in practice, the best example of which is the antibacterial drop cream Under Twenty containing, among other things, succinic acid and mandelic acid. Thanks to the use of the first substance, the cream restores balance in the work of the sebaceous glands, reduces the amount of sebum secreted by them, as well as lightens the color of acne. The second use makes the product exfoliate and unclog clogged pores, showing a strong antibacterial effect. The creamy composition is supplemented with shikimic acid, which, in turn, reduces the amount of inflammatory lumps, significantly reducing their formation. Accordingly, Under Twenty Anti-Bacterial Cream reduces the appearance of blemishes and prevents the formation of new ones, soothes inflammation and acne changes, in addition to lightening the resulting color. Despite their small size, they are very effective and work in any situation, as you can find out by packing them in a holiday esthetician.