Signs of lack of self-confidence in the child and how to solve it?

Signs of lack of self-confidence in the child and how to solve it?
If you are worried and confused about your child’s self-confidence, there are several criteria and signs that indicate your child’s self-confidence. Then if one of the criteria is present in your child, you must make sure that it is occasional or permanent. This helps your child know if he suffers from a lack of self-confidence or not. How do you know that your child lacks self-confidence, and then how do you strengthen it?
Among these signs:
– He avoids and stays away from doing any task assigned to him, and this indicates his fear of feeling helpless and then failing.
He withdraws from any game shortly after its start or from any task assigned to him. This indicates a lack of self-confidence and then extreme frustration.
Commenting on himself in a negative way, such as saying (No one loves me, I’m a loser, I’m not good for anything, everyone is smarter than me).
When he is close to losing something. Then he begins to justify, lie, blame others, or downplay the situation.
His grades are low, he begins to lose interest in usual activities, then does not help with household chores at all, or is very helpful with them.
Mood changes rapidly, such as crying, sadness and anger.
He likes solitude and stays away from his friends, so he does not like to make new friends.
Becomes very sensitive and anxious about the actions and words of others.
He is strongly influenced by the bad behavior of his friends. Then he should act like them.
Restore your child’s self-confidence:
How do you know that your child has lost confidence in himself and how to strengthen it? Children’s self-confidence may be shaken by any negative situations they may be exposed to, so mothers should seek ready to know ways and ways to restore their children’s self-confidence. This is done by following:
First, don’t do everything for him.
You must be patient in dealing with your child if he loses his self-confidence, let him do the things that are problematic for him himself, even if it takes longer, this leads to the growth of his sense of competence and builds confidence again.
Second: Assign him tasks that are appropriate for his age:
Give him some homework appropriate for his age, such as arranging clothes, separating clean clothes from dirty ones, arranging the table and so on. This will enhance his self-confidence and increase his sense of efficiency, and then solve problems.
Third: The importance of the meaning of idealism:
He must know that there is no perfect person in life, and everyone can make mistakes, but we must learn from our mistakes.
Fourth: Give him a choice.
For example, if you ask him about the food he prefers, about the clothes he wants to wear, this makes him feel commanded, develops his learning to make decisions from his childhood, and prepares him to make decisions that may be difficult with his advancing age.
Fifthly, reduce excessive praise for him:
Excessive and insincere praise may lead to negative results.
Sixth: You should not underestimate your child’s feelings.
When your child beats you, try to stay away from him so that you do not act or say something that you will regret later. Put yourself in your child’s place and think in his mind, then always remember that you hate your child’s behavior and not him. You should explain it to him calmly.
Seventh: Sit with your child.
It is necessary to sit with the child at least once a week, to talk about what is on his mind and then to always share it with him, thus progressing to the best.