Headache: types, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment :

Headache: types, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment :
Definition of headache:
Headaches are a very common condition that most people suffer from several times during their lives. Then the main symptom of a headache is the presence of pain in the head or face. Then this can be throbbing, steady, sharp or dull. Headaches can be treated with medications, stress management, and biofeedback . Then headache is one of the most common pain conditions in the world. Up to 75% of adults worldwide suffer from headaches. Headaches are a major cause of fatigue and negatively affect social and family life. For some people, persistent headaches may lead to feelings of anxiety and depression . Let’s learn in this article about headaches, its types and risks.

What are the types of headache?
There are more than 150 types of headaches. The headache is divided into two main parts, primary and secondary.
Primary headache
A headache that is not due to another medical condition and includes:
Cluster headache.
And a migraine.
And a constant daily headache.
– Headache .
Secondary headache:
Secondary headaches are associated with other medical conditions and include:
Brain vascular disease.
Head injury.
– Hypertension .
Excessive use of medication.
Sinus mastery.
– Shock .
Caused by tumors.
Is headache hereditary?
Headaches tend to run in families, especially migraines. Moreover, children who suffer from migraine headaches are usually affected by one of the parents. Headache types and risks
Headaches can be due to common environmental factors in the family, such as:
- Eating foods or drinks, such as alcohol, caffeine, fermented foods, chocolate and cheese.
- Then exposure to allergens.
- Then smoking and passive smoking.
Strong smells of chemicals or perfumes.
What causes headache?
Headache pain results from signals that interact between the brain and the surrounding blood vessels and nerves. Then during a headache, an unknown mechanism activates certain nerves that affect the muscles and blood vessels. Then these nerves send pain signals to the brain.
What causes tension headaches?
Tension headache is not fully understood. But researchers believe that it results when discontinuous neurons overreact to various factors . Neurons send special impulses to blood vessels and cause chemical changes in brain cells. Then it produces pain.
Common triggers for tension headaches or migraines include:
Then use alcohol.
Changes in eating and sleeping patterns.
Psychological stress and emotion related to family, friends, work and school.
Then strain the eyes, neck or back.
– the noise .
Then changes in weather and lighting.
What are the symptoms of headache?
The most common tension headache. tends to be:
- Steady without flickering.
- Mild to moderate.
- on either side of the head. Then his response to treatment without a prescription.
- Then it increases when doing activities such as bending or climbing stairs…
Migraines :
It is the second most common type of primary headache. Its symptoms include:
- The pain is moderate to severe.
- Nausea to Alpha.
- Then the throbbing pain.
- Pain that lasts from a quarter of an hour until it reaches three days.
- Sensitivity to light, noise, or odors
- Abdominal pain and upset stomach.
Cluster headache:
It is the most dangerous type of primary headache. Cluster headaches come in a group or group. It usually comes in spring and fall. The attack occurs from one to eight times during the day, which may last from two weeks to three months. The headache may disappear completely for several months and then return again. Symptoms:
- Severe with a burning or stabbing sensation.
- It is located behind the eyes or in the eye area without changing the sides.
- Continuous and throbbing.
Constant new daily headache:
Suddenly and lasts for more than three months. It occurs in people who have not suffered from frequent headaches before. It comes in the form of:
Steady and continuous without dilution.
It is located on both sides of the head.
Does not respond to medication.
Sinus headache:
A sinus headache is caused by a sinus infection that causes congestion and inflammation in the sinuses. Often the doctor mistakenly evaluates a migraine headache, as it is similar to it, and its symptoms include:
- Bad taste in the mouth.
- Deep and constant pain in the cheeks and forehead.
- Facial swelling.
- Feeling of fullness in the ears.
- Fever .
- Pain increases with sudden head movement or stress.
- Increased mucus discharge from the nose.
Headache caused by overuse of medication:
Or rebound headaches, headaches caused by overuse of medications affect people when they frequently take headache relievers. Headaches increase and symptoms include:
Or rebound headaches, headaches caused by overuse of medications affect people when they frequently take headache relievers. Headaches are increasing.
Headache in children:
Most children have a headache by the time they reach high school. For about 20% of them, tension headaches and migraines are a recurring problem. Similar to adults, the causes of headaches in children include:
First: some foods that cause a headache for the individual.
Two : changes in sleep.
Three: environmental factors.
Four: stress.
What are the symptoms that need immediate health care?
- A sudden, new and sudden headache.
- Headache accompanied by neurological symptoms such as:
- weakness.
- Dizziness .
- sudden loss of balance
- numbness
- paralysis
- Difficulty speaking.
- mental confusion
- spells
- changes in vision
- Headache accompanied by fever, shortness of breath and stiff neck.
- A headache that wakes you up at night.
- Headache accompanied with nausea and vomiting.
- Headache that occurs after a head injury.
You must go to the hospital if the person suffers from all of the above in addition to:
- Three episodes a week or more.
- Increased headache that does not go away.
- A headache that needs daily painkillers.