What tests are needed for plastic surgery?

What tests are needed for plastic surgery?
Tests such as cardiac evaluation and complete blood count, among others, show us the body’s responses and give us confidence to perform surgery, including plastic surgery. But the list of exams and preoperative care does not end there.
Physical, imaging, and laboratory tests are essential to understanding a patient’s health status, and can determine whether or not surgery should be performed. Looking at the results, the doctor will be able to find out if there are specific contraindications, for example.
All this care is necessary and necessary, because knowing the person and identifying possible changes is necessary to exclude risks during the procedure, and to ensure the safety of surgical intervention. In addition, it is preventive in the sense of avoiding complications in the postoperative period. Among the complications that can be avoided are anemia or infections.
Never fail to follow the instructions and directions of the doctor or laboratory who will conduct the examination.
When are preoperative tests performed and what do they indicate?
All examinations should be performed at least three months prior to surgery to inform any and all changes in the patient’s body. Below I detail all of them:
Blood tests
blood count (amounts of red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets); coagulogram (clotting capacity, to determine the risk of major bleeding); blood glucose (blood glucose levels, to determine the risk of life and infection, at a level that is too high); urea and creatinine (learn about kidney function); Antibody dose (allergy and immune system).
Blood tests should be performed while fasting for at least 8 hours. It is necessary to stay away from alcohol and cigarettes.
heart exam
To assess the functioning of the heart, an electrocardiogram (ECG) is ordered, with the aim of checking the electrical activity of the heart (rhythm, speed, number of beats). The evaluation should be done by a cardiologist.
photography exam
To assess the area to be operated on, and to check the integrity of the organs. In the process of breast augmentation, reduction and fixation of the breast, ultrasound of the breast and armpits, as well as mammography, for example, should be performed. For a tummy tuck, an ultrasound of the entire abdomen and abdominal wall should be performed. In rhinoplasty, the request is to perform a tomography of the sinuses.
In addition to these routine tests, additional tests may be ordered, depending on the patient’s history.