Frequently asked questions about acne | under twenty

Frequently asked questions about acne | under twenty
Does eating chocolate aggravate the spread of cereal? Should I paint with acne? And what is best for him? Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about acne.
1. Should I give up makeup when I have acne?
2. Does chocolate promote acne?
You may be asking yourself what not to eat with acne . Fortunately, the list is not long, but it is worth sticking with it to avoid exacerbating acne lesions. Is there any chocolate on it? There is no conclusive evidence for this, but it is possible that the sugar and fat in it can aggravate acne lesions. But there is a solution! Choose dark, natural chocolate with the highest possible cocoa content. Avoid candy bars, cookies, chocolate, ice cream, and other processed sweets. You don’t have to give it up completely, but eat it in moderation. The diet for acne should rather be poor in them.
3. Types of acne – how to distinguish between juvenile and hormonal acne?
Isn’t that the same? What causes acne – is it in part not hormonal disorders? Yes, but the hormonal storm that you experience in adolescence is not the same as the hormonal disruptions caused by, for example, an increase in testosterone. How do we distinguish these types of acne ? If your lesions are mostly on the chin, jaw, neck, or back, and are often hard red bumps, it may be a sign that your hormones are to blame. Especially if you take good care of your skin and the problem gets worse. How about acne would be better then? A visit to a dermatologist or gynecologist who will match you with the best treatment will allow you to get rid of the changes for good. Sometimes the cause of acne may be an allergy or insufficient care. These are the types of acneHowever, they are somewhat different.
4. Does the sun help treat acne?
This is a myth that can greatly harm your skin. In general, after being in the sun for a few days, your skin may actually look better because the sun is immunosuppressive, which means it reduces inflammation in the skin. However, this comes at a price. Sunbathing can cause discoloration of the face and body after inflammation, which can be very difficult to get rid of afterwards. Sometimes the only solution is too expensive and not very pleasant to see a dermatologist. So always protect yourself from the sun with acne, especially if you also use acne medications. Apply a sunscreen with a high SPF of at least 30, and when going to the beach, biking, or skiing, wear a hat with a visor or hat.
5. What do you wash your face with?
6. Is there a diet for acne?
Sure, but not always. As mentioned before, an acne diet should not be high in sugar and too greasy, as it may contribute to the intensification of acne lesions. So, if you have pimples, test put out candy, junk food and any unhealthy snacks like chips and fried foods like french fries for about two weeks, cut back on the yellow cheese and see how your skin reacts. What not to eat with acneStill? Any prepared meals may contain additives that are harmful to the skin. Oftentimes, food allergies and food intolerances can exacerbate acne, especially lactose and gluten sensitivity. So, if you find that you have more pimples after a few days of a biscuit marathon, set the dairy aside for a while or do a lactose intolerance test. Cutting out milk, whipped cream, or creamy desserts can miraculously improve the appearance of your skin. You already know, what not to eat with acne , but what is worth including in the list? Acne diet should definitely contain a lot of fresh vegetables, a little fruit and products rich in B vitamins, which naturally regulate the work of the sebaceous glands. You will find them in nuts and legumes. acne dietIt should also be rich in large amounts of fluid, especially water. Drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily to ensure proper hydration of the skin.
7. Ingredients in cosmetics – which work best for acne
8. What should be avoided in acne skin care?
You definitely can’t dry it out. Not just because inflamed skin and areas of scaly skin on the face don’t look cool. Over-drying the skin has the opposite effect and instead of reducing the annoying glow of the skin, it actually intensifies it! Therefore, antibacterial cosmetics should be used, but at the same time moisturize the skin. If you only have trouble spotting blemishes, don’t apply antibacterial creams all over your face to reduce spots, but apply spots. You can, for example, use a droplet cream that has an antibacterial effect. It contains three types of acids: shikimic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, mandelic acid, which opens pores, and succinic acid, which reduces the secretion of sebum. Thanks to this, this cosmetic quickly copes with blackheads and pimples. It has a similar effect on post-inflammatory discoloration, so you can also use it on a topical basis.
What causes acne besides excessively dry skin? Oily cosmetics, with fats and oils, as well as inaccurate makeup removal. In the evening, always remember to wash off the foundation carefully – until the cotton pad is completely white. It is best to do this immediately after returning home, because the sebum and impurities that accumulate on the skin throughout the day can promote the formation of blemishes.
9. How to care for sensitive acne skin?
10. Does stress exacerbate acne?
Yes, that’s for sure. You wonder what causes acne in addition to poor diet and hormones? Just stressed! It stimulates the secretion of cortisol, which may make acne worse. So, if you are going through an intense period in school and are under constant pressure, find a way to relax. You don’t have to go to yoga or meditate right away, all you need is a little something that can relax, like your favorite series, jog or meeting with friends.
11. Does washing my face more often help with acne?
number. If you’re wondering what acne would be best, it’s definitely not washing your face multiple times or dozens of times a day. On the contrary, it can cause skin irritation with increased sebum production and pimple secretion. How often is this enough? It’s best to wash your skin twice a day, unless you’re sweating heavily in the heat and wear makeup. Then it is better to wash your face after returning home.