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Moisturizing black skin: what substances are indicated?

Moisturizing black skin: what substances are indicated?

That genes have a huge impact on our health, everyone already knows. What many haven’t commented on is that breed also plays a strong role in how our bodies are made and look – as does our skin type.


When it comes to black skin, certain characteristics must be understood before investing in a skin care routine. According to Katleen Conceição, a dermatologist and member of the Skin of Color Society, this type of skin has a higher production of sebum on the face, but the body is usually drier.


This means that although the facial skin of this group of people tends to be more oily, the body area needs additional hydration. In this way, it is possible to avoid the appearance of discomfort usually reported in black residents, such as the “gray” appearance of the skin – a factor caused by dehydration and water loss, according to the specialist.


Dark skin moisturizers


To help keep the body hydrated and free from dehydration, it is important to pay attention to the ingredients in the products chosen for everyday life. In the case of soap, Katleen Conceição recommends the oil-based versions, as they nourish and cleanse the skin without drying it out. They’re called “bath cleaning oil” or “liquid-in-oil soap.”

When choosing taps, an ideal option is to choose those that have a thicker texture , with a consistency similar to butter. This type of product usually takes longer to absorb, extending the moisturizing time and reaching different layers of the skin.


Among the substances that should have priority, the dermatologist emphasizes the importance of oils. “Origins containing sunflower oil, sweet almond oil, and macadamia nuts are ideal for retaining water in that skin and keeping it hydrated,” he says.

In addition, the application of moisturizing creams contains lactic acid or urea – components with a high moisturizing ability.


If the dryness has reached a more sensitive level causing itching, peeling and bloody cracks, it may be necessary to prescribe creams with formulations specific to each case. For this, it is important to consult a dermatologist.

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