If you have chest pain, how do you distinguish whether it is frightening or is it an episodic pain?

If you have chest pain, how do you distinguish whether it is frightening or is it an episodic pain?
Some of us sometimes feel a nagging pain in the chest, and then after feeling anxious and afraid. Then he wonders if this is the beginning of heart disease (thrombosis), then many whispers and fears overwhelm him.
In this article, we will try to distinguish that chest pain is of cardiac origin, and then this calls for going to the doctor immediately. Distinguishing between spasmodic pains resulting from a wrong movement or a specific effort or following a defect in the digestive processes or even psychological infections.
A distinction must be made between serious symptoms of chest pain and transient spasmodic symptoms.
Symptoms that indicate that it is pain not caused by a heart attack:
severe chest pain
If this pain starts to come from a very specific place, it is very likely not a heart attack. The pain that you can identify with your finger is often not the pain of my heart.
Chest pain that appears in different areas:
The pain that moves from one place to another in the chest, is not caused by a heart attack. For example, when you have pain in the left side of the chest, and then the pain shifts to the right side, this is not a heart attack.
Chest pain that gets worse when breathing:
When there are acute or chronic lung lesions, they give chest pain, not a heart attack. Infections of the pericardium (the covering surrounding the heart) give chest pains that are not heart attacks.
Gastrointestinal pain:
This type of chest pain is more common than non-cardiac. It can include acid reflux, esophageal spasm, and acidity.
Muscular pain and skeletal pain:
This pain also occurs when a specific muscle strain or injury to one of the chest bones. And then it can happen as a result of a specific physical activity or work.
Symptoms that indicate a heart attack:
We must distinguish between serious symptoms of chest pain. The chest pain resulting from a heart attack is so characteristic that a person cannot pinpoint the area of pain with a finger, so it involves the entire chest. Especially if the pain spreads to the neck, jaw or arms, accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating and dizziness.
At that time, you must call an ambulance, and then go to the ambulance department in the hospital as soon as possible without delay, to avoid complications on the heart.
Symptoms of a heart attack include:
First: The feeling of discomfort is in the form of severe pressure or a burning sensation in the chest.
Second: Then the chest pain is accompanied by pain that extends to the neck, jaw, arms, or back.
Third: Then the pain will be difficult to locate accurately with one finger.
Fourth: sweating or nausea.
Fifth: dizziness or feeling faint.
Sixth: Shortness of breath.
If these symptoms are present, you should call an ambulance or go to the hospital directly.