
If you have a stubborn child, how do you deal with it?

If you have a stubborn child, how do you deal with it?

Perhaps we often hear in many families that this or that child is very stubborn for no reason. He may have an essentially illogical reason or reason. He just wants to be independent in his opinions, unlike those of adults.

Stubbornness means that no matter how much a child is persuaded or even forced to persuade him, he insists on his opinion. This is one of the behavioral disorders in children.

The reason for this stubbornness may not appear. It may not be stubbornness, but rather like accepting others instead of imitating them, or drawing the attention of others.

So, in this article, we are going to talk about stubborn kids and how to deal with them.

It is a recurring problem that parents face with their stubborn children every day:

How can I act? What’s the solution?

What are the appropriate methods and ways to deal with stubborn children?


First : the child’s stubbornness starts from the first stage of walking and learning to speak. When he starts to feel like a separate person from his mother, he can do things on his own and express himself and his needs in a simple way. There is also the stubbornness of adolescence, which we will get to later.

Second , the early stages of a child’s life are crucial because neither parent wants to be stressed and violent with their child. But a child’s stubbornness can make things spiral out of control, especially when important things are repeated every day, refusing to eat or insisting on removing toys or bedtime frames early or something like that.

Third : stubbornness – as we have said – is due to several reasons, including drawing attention, emphasizing independence and self-assertion, imitating adults, or even the parents’ strictness in dealing with their children, which may be a sincere refusal of what should be done. they asked him.

Ways and solutions to deal with stubborn children:

First: Patience, then patience, flexibility and tenderness with stubborn children:

Then don’t get nervous, raise your voice instead of persuasion, and apply the command step by step. For example, if you want him to sleep at nine, get back at eight, drink his glass of milk and go to the toilet. If he is watching cartoons, ask him to turn off the TV immediately after the show. Now, as bedtime approaches. He remembered all this calmly and in a low voice.

Second, be more flexible with him.

Be flexible with your child. Also, you shouldn’t force him to do things that don’t really matter to him, for example if his bedtime is approaching and he hasn’t finished his show and he ran out of money, let him finish his show. Be flexible in this regard. Also, if he wants to wear a certain color, I don’t mind. And if you have a wedding, for example, and he wants to go with you and chooses to wear pajamas, it’s okay to force him to wear that kind of outfit. Send him your message about the valuable things, and be flexible on the simple things.

Third: The penalty for abstaining shall not be more severe than the following:

After something happened, the right thing had to be applied to hook it up and stay in mind. For example, when you take him to the market, you agree to buy him a toy, and in the store he insists not to buy a toy, but he wants to bring another, and you try to persuade him and he does not respond. Do not forget my request, do not buy him what he wants, and if he insists, then also deprive him of the game.

Fourth: If he behaves well, praise him, encourage him, and reward him for listening to the speech.

Fifth: Do not insult him in front of others, remind him seriously, but, on the contrary, make him happy and encourage him to obey.

Sixth: Do not compare him with his brothers or peers, as this may be one of the causes of stubbornness.

Seventh: Agree on a method with your husband. Because disagreements can lead to stubbornness because he doesn’t know how to satisfy you.

Eighth: Let the person responsible for reaching an understanding with the child be the most patient, and the second party will not withdraw completely from the educational process.

Remember that giving your child love and affection can be a barrier and a reason to stop him from being stubborn. In addition to persuasion, make sure you are right, lest the weaker child grows up to succumb to the stronger.

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